Iida 11 days old (29:th of december 2007, photo by breeder)
Iida 4weeks ( 21:th of January,
photo by breeder)
Iida 5 weeks (30:th of January, photo by breeder)
Iida 6weeks (9:th of February)
Iida 10 weeks ( 5.th of Mars,
photo by Ari Kristiola FIN*Mostlycats)
Iida in her new home at our first
visit 20:th of March
Iida at her first show in Solna
25:th of May. Ex 1, Best in Variety - Total.
Iida 20080508, thank you Camilla and Hasse for
this beautiful picture of our little princess.
Iida 20080706, thank you Camilla
and Hasse for another beautiful picture
Iida september 2008 ( Photo:
Camilla, Hasse S*Silveronyx)
Iida got her first CAC om show in Skogås 8:th of November