(picture by breeder)
Lani 10 days 2010-11-20
by breeder)
Lani 4 w 2010-12-11
Lani 8 w 2011-01-05
Lani in her new home 4 of february
Daddy Kai and Lani 2011-02-18
Such father, such daughter 2011-02-18
Lani and Kai 20:th of feb, yes they do spend most of the time together
Lani has been to her first show in Gävle 2011-03-05-06
Lani and father Kai at
Alfa´s cat show 1:st of May
It´s soon vacation time..... (17:th of May)
Lani on show 23:d of May, when she got her first Nomination to best in show
Lani taking her first sewing
lesson for new show cage matress 10:th of August
The result from the
sewing lesson, Lani on show 23 of october, she got Nominated for best in in
show among 7 females
Lani got her Championtitle in Bromma 5:th of November
Lani and James are playing 7:th of November
Lani and Kai watching biathlon 11:th of December
Christmas cats father and daughter.