Show results for James

Date Where Club Judge Class Result
2007-01-20 Örebro Nerk Geir Edvardsen 12 Ex 1
2007-04-08 Märsta Birka Marie Westerlund 11 Ex 1, BIV
2007-05-05 Sollentuna Top Cat Hanne Sofie Sneum 11 Ex 1, BIV,
2007-05-06 Sollentuna Top Cat Alva Uddin 11 Ex 1
2007-05-20 Upplands Väsby Perserkatten Aase Nissen 11 Ex 1
2007-06-16 Uppsala Uppsala Yan Roca Folch 10 CAP, BIV,
2007-06-17 Uppsala Uppsala Jörgen Frithiof 10 CAP
2007-07-14 Järna Speed Cat Nurit Pahl 10 CAP, BIV, PREMIER
2007-07-15 Järna Speed Cat Tellervo Kass 8 CAPIB
2007-07-28 Heistad Norway TERAK Maud Olsen-Johansson 8 CAPIB
2007-07-29 Heistad Norway TERAK Jette Eva Madsen 8 CAPIB, INTERNATIONELL PREMIER
2007-10-13 Borlänge Dalälvskatten Dorte Kaae 6 CAGPIB (2), BIV
2007-10-14 Borlänge Dalälvskatten Bjarne Wikström 6 CAGPIB (3)
2007-12-01 Sundbyberg Birka Hanne Sofie Sneum 6 CAGPIB (2), BIV
2007-12-02 Sundbyberg Birka Charles Spijker 6 CAGPIB,
2007-12-15 Arlanda Alfa Geir Edvardsen 6 CAGPIB, BIV, ,
2007 --- Sundsvall --- --- Best Kategori 2, Best Neuter kat. 2
2007 --- SVERAK           ---            --- 16:th Neuter
2007 --- Birmasällskapet             ---              --- 7:th Neuter
2007 --- Birmasällskapet                 ---                  --- 10:th Kitten/Junior
2008-02-03 Skogås Järva Jörgen Frithiof 6 CAGPIB (2), BIV, ,
2008-04-12 Märsta Birka Maud Olsen - Johansson 6 CAGPIB, BIV,
2008-08-09 Molde, Norge Rose Kristiina Rautio 6 CAGPIB , GRAND INTERNATIONELL PREMIER
2008-08-10 Molde, Norge Rose Karl Preiss 4 CAPE (disp. for leaving) 
2008-09-06 Eskilstuna Mellansvenska Pia Nyman 4 CAPE
2008-10-18 Rissne/Sundbyberg Speed Cat Marie Westerlund 4 CAPE, BIV
2008-11-09 Skogås Stockholm Raymond A. Saetre 4 CAPE ( father "Pågen" got BIV and BIS:-) :-) :-)  
2008-12-06 Sundbyberg Birka Lee Salassa 4 CAPE, BIV
2008-12-07 Sundbyberg Birka Lesley Morgan-Blythe 4 Ex 2, no certificate
2008 --- Sundsvall --- --- Best club cat
2009-07-18 Västerhaninge Järva Marjatta Koskenkangas 4 CAPS
2009-08-02 Västerhaninge Katten o jag Marjatta Koskenkangas 4 CAPS
2009-08-22 Sollentuna City cat club Lone Lund   4   CAPS (2)
2009-08-23 Sollentuna City cat club Maud Olsen-Johansson 4 CAPS (3) BIV
2009-10-17 Bromma Alfa Andreas Woelm  4 CAPS (2) 
2009-11-08 Rissne Stockholm Olga Kommisarova 4 CAPS, SUPREME PREMIER,  


Show classes

Class 12 Kitten
Kittens 4-7 month

Class 11 Junior
Kittens 7-9 month.

Class  10 Neuters
Minimum 10 month

CAP (Certificat d’Aptitude de Premier) – a minimum of 93 points.

Minimum 10 month

CAC (Certificat d’Aptitude de Championnat) – a minimum of 93 points.

Class  8 PREMIER (PR)
Neutered cat with 3 CAP.

CAPIB (Certificat d’Aptitude de Premier International de Beauté) – minimum of 95 points. 

Cat with 3 CAC.

CACIB (Certificat d’Aptitude de Championnat International de Beauté) – minimum of 95 points.

Neutered cat with 3 CAPIB.

CAGPIB (Certificat d’Aptitude de Grand Premier International de Beauté) – minimum of 96 points.

Cat with 3 CACIB.

CAGCIB (Certificat d’Aptitude de Grand Championnat International de Beauté) – minimum of 96 points.

with 6 CAGPIB from at least 3 different countries
or 8 CAGPIB from 2 different countries, at least 4 different judges
title Grand International Premior (GIP) is reached

Until 2009-01-01 CAPE (Certificat d’Aptitude de Premier d’Europé) - minimum of 97 points.
After 2009-01-01 CAPS (Certificat d'Aptitude du Premium Suprême) - minimum of 97 points.

Cat with 6 CAGCIB from at least 3 different countries
or with 8 CAGCIB from 2 different countries, at least 4 different judges
title Grand International Champion (GIC) is reached

Until 2009-01-01) CACE (Certificat d’Aptitude de Championnat d’Europé) - minimum of 97 points.
After 2009-01-01 CACS (Certificat d'Aptitude du Championat Suprême) - minimum of 97 points.

Class 2 SUPREME PREMIER (SP) (Before 2009-01-01 European Premier)
Neutered cat with 9 CAPE/CAPS from at least 3 different countries
or with 11 CAPE/CAPS from 2 different countries, at least 6 different judges
title Supreme Premior (SP) is reached
HP - Price of Honour.

Class 1 SUPREME CHAMPION (SC)  (Before 2009-01-01 European Champion)
Cat with 9 CACE/CACS from at least 3 different countries
or with 11 CACE/CACS from 2 different countries, at least 6 different judges
title Supreme Champion (SC) is reached
HP - Price of Honour.

BIV                Best in variety  Minimum of 95 points

NOM              Nominates for Best in Show.  Minimum of 97 points