The cattery is tested free from Giardia, Triticomonas Foetus, Cryptosporidium 
2022-10 24


Swedish Maine Coon-katten started year 2000 a health programme against Hip Dysplasia (HD) and
2004 a health programme against Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM). 1:st of June 2010 these health programmes were transmitted to Pawpeds.

Pain can cause bad behaviour and aggression and that is a real pity so because of that and that we don´t want to contribute to bad health.
We test our breeding cats due to Pawpeds Health programme against Hip Dysplasia (HD) and Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM).

At a meeting in Bucharest Romania May 2011, FIFE (Fédération Internationale Féline) took a desicion:
a recommendation that all Maine Coons shall be tested against HD and PL before mating.

Health Links

Pawpeds health programme against HD
In Pawpeds the grades are Normal, borderline, 1, 2 and 3. From pawpeds you get one result for right hip and one for left hip.

OFA (the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals)
OFA has the grades Excellent, Good, Fair, Borderline, Mild, Moderate and Severe.
OFA give one result together for both hips.

Pawpeds health programme against HCM

FIFE see page 8 - 3.6.1 Test programmes

L102 - Jordbruksverkets föreskrifter och allmänna råd om hållande av hund och katt - SJVFS 5:2008

Blodgruppering/bloodgroups/neonatal isoerytrolys

Toxic plants for cats (only in swedish)

Inavel av P-E Sundgren
(only in swedish)

Nya djurskyddsreglerna 2020-06-15 (SJVFS 2020:8)
(only in swedish)

Tandproblem hos katt

Lämplig ålder för kastrering av katt