2017 was a fantastic show
Nominated to Best in show 10 of 14 times. Best in show Senior 2 times Best Senior male 9 times (tot. 17 shows) But we start with Prize for Best Senior Male 2016 in Finnish MCo club. Kai in Stockholm Catclub show 14:th of March. Nominated both days in Nyköping 25-26 of March. Kai 8y 16:th of April, together with sisters Kaija and Brooke Kai playing with my shorts 19:th of May (Picture by Ramona Karlsson) Uppsala Catclub show 2017-06-19. Kai (SP/SC FIN*Chamberlain Blazing Arrow) Best senior kat. 2 och NOM with 1 vote in the panel. Kai likes the hotel life - Here at Quality City Park in Södertälje 28:th of July Kai and Michelle Houdi in Sundsvall 19:th of August Kai Nominated to Best in Show both days in Sundsvall 19-20 of August Kai at Maine Coon-Championship 23:of of Sept. in Nyköping Kai and me at Birka cat show 11:th of November James and Kai playing at Christmas Eve Kai new years eve Back